Dua Lipa made a stylish appearance in rainy London on Thursday, flaunting her toned legs in a chic black mini dress. The 29-year-old songstress paired the dress with a fashionable green leather jacket, accentuating her statement red hair, and completed the look with knee-high heeled boots. Despite the gloomy weather, Dua appeared cheerful as she navigated through the city streets in her trendy ensemble, her smile never leaving her face as she carried her designer Prada bag.
This casual outing follows Dua’s recent trip to Paris, France, with her boyfriend Callum Turner. However, during their time in the French capital, an incident occurred where Dua’s security guard intervened to protect her from an overzealous fan. As the fan approached with a phone in hand, eager to capture a moment with the pop star, the security guard swiftly intervened, causing the fan’s phone to fall to the ground.
While opinions were divided among fans regarding the guard’s actions, with some praising his dedication to his job, others criticized the forcefulness of his response, suggesting that the fan meant no harm and was merely trying to take a video of the globally renowned singer.